This website is owned and operated by Karen Leger Photography.  All content on this site is protected by copyright and may not be used without prior written permission. 

The Client shall be required to sign the Client Services Agreement including Standard Terms and Conditions contained herein to undertake services with Karen Léger Photography.

Definitions / Clauses

The Photographer: Karen Léger Photography

  1. The Client:

Is hereby referred to as, any person, body of persons, collaborator, any type of recipient, firm, or Company with whom the Photographer enters into a contract for the sale of goods or provision of paid or non paid services, joint working agreements or competitions with or by the Photographer.

  1. Photography Service Agreement:

A signed binding agreement between the Photographer and the Client outlining the terms and conditions of image use, purchases, pricing, scheduling etc & must be signed before any session takes place.


  • The Deposit is due immediately following the expiration of the three working day cooling-off period. A session will not be confirmed or take place unless the Session Fee has been paid by the Client. The remainder of the Session Fee will be due day of the session date or sooner, unless otherwise arranged. Gallery of images will not be released to the Client until full payment is received.
  • The Deposit is not refundable but may be transferable to another date if the Session cannot be conducted due to reasons that are reasonable or are outside of their control (such as illness or inclement weather). The Client acknowledges that the Deposit (or part of the Deposit) may be forfeited if the Client does not make contact with Karen Léger Photography to reschedule a Session at least 24 hours in advance where the Client should have known the Session would not be able to proceed when agreed.
  • Should the nominated photographer not be available for any reason, Karen Léger Photography will notify the Client of the change as soon as it is known and make every effort to reschedule the Session. If for whatever reason this is not possible, Karen Léger Photography’s responsibility and liability is limited to the return of all payments received.
  • The Session Fee includes the photographer’s time and talent, all communication prior to and after the shoot, professional editing of the designated image per session, preparation of images and uploading to an online downloadable gallery within the time stated after the session date (the Assignment). The Session Fee does not include prints or other products unless otherwise stated.
  • The booking of and any additional costs incurred for booking venues, photography locations, additional props etc. are their responsibility and will be invoiced to the Client unless the Client has already paid for these separately.
  • The Client has received, read and understands Karen Léger Photography’s price list. The price list will apply to any orders the Client makes for prints or other products provided the Client orders within 14 days after the images are uploaded to an online gallery. Any orders made after 14 days will be subject to Jess Porter Photography’s price list that is current at the time of ordering.

Conduct of the session

  • The details and times listed here form part of this agreement and the Client agree to make every effort to cooperate in order for Karen Léger Photography to fulfill its contracted photographic duty. The Client acknowledges Karen Léger Photography cannot accept responsibility for the ‘extent’ of the photographic coverage if these details are incorrect or if the Client does not follow any schedule the Client has agreed to.
  • Although Karen Léger Photography will make every effort to produce all requested images, no particular composition or image will be guaranteed.
  • To avoid disruption to the photographic coverage and to allow Karen Léger Photography to fulfill its contracted duty; other photography by you, family or friends at this time is not permitted.
  • The Client agrees that any minors will be under their constant supervision at all times and that the Client is responsible for the minors at all times.

Prints and other products

  • All images will be adjusted for skin blemishes, exposure, brightness, contrast, sharpness, etc. Karen Léger Photography’s judgement regarding these corrections and the number of images put forward to the Client for preview shall be deemed correct. Retouching, digital manipulation and artist finishing is available to the Client as an option at extra cost.
  • In order to guarantee the prices in Karen Léger Photography’s price list provided to the Client at the time of this agreement, the Client must place orders for prints or other products within 14 days of those images being uploaded to their online gallery. Orders placed after that time will incur the prices current at the time of ordering. Any additional costs will be advised and confirmation required before proceeding.
  • If the Client requires delivery of prints or other products, the Client will pay all reasonable freight and postage that is required to deliver the prints or other products..
  • Unless prior arrangement with Karen Léger Photography had been made, all orders must be confirmed in writing and accompanied by full payment. Orders will not be processed until payment has been made.
  • All orders shall remain the property of Karen Léger Photography until full payment has been made. Orders will not be made available for collection unless paid for in full.
  • The digital files will remain online for 30 days, after that time, the galleries will expire and be removed from the hosting site.
  • The digital files remain the property of Karen Léger Photography and will be kept on file for a period of 12 months. After that time Karen Léger Photography may, at its absolute discretion, agree to release the negatives/digital files (but not RAW files) to the Client at Karen Léger Photography’s then current pricing.
  • For re-orders the Client understands that there is a charge of $25 for the uploading of expired galleries and prices current at the time, will apply for any new orders. The Client understands it is their responsibility to contact Karen Léger Photography before the end of the 12 month period to order more prints.
  • In the event of a natural disaster or evidence of damages to their own digital copies, Karen Léger Photography will replace, within the 12 month period from the Session date, all files the Client had previously purchased. All digital files received by the Client are final edited images. Karen Léger Photography does not release RAW files.
  • The Client acknowledges that photographs not ordered through Karen Léger Photography cannot be guaranteed to reflect the true product in its finished presentation. The Client acknowledges that materials the Client may use or are used by third party labs (other than those provided by Karen Léger Photography’s professional lab) are not guaranteed to have the same life expectancy and are not covered under warranties that are included by Karen Léger Photography’s distributors.

Copyright and use of images

  • The photographs produced by Karen Léger Photography are protected by United States Copyright Law. The Client acknowledges and agrees that Karen Léger Photography owns the Copyright in all photographs and images.
  • The Client acknowledges Karen Léger Photography’s moral rights with respect to the Assignment and will attribute Karen Léger Photography as the creator of the images and files whenever appropriate.
  • The Client must only use the images for personal use. With any high resolution images provided to the client, they may make good quality prints for personal use and sharing, as well as uploading images to use for personal blogs, sites, and social networks. The Client must ensure that any images shown by the Client to others are the original images provided by Karen Léger Photography or good quality prints only.
  • The Client must not alter any print, file or image by any means including by cropping, “photoshopping”, “filters”, or altering colours, contrast or exposure in any way. The Client must keep any files under their control and must not re-distribute the files in any manner. The Client must not allow a third party to do any of these things.
  • The Client must not publish any images for a commercial purpose, sell any images or enter any images into any competition without Karen Léger Photography’s prior written permission. The Client must not allow a third party to do any of these things. Karen Léger Photography may require compensation prior to providing the Client with written permission.
  • The Client must not display or show copies or prints of any images where the resolution, colours, contrast or exposure are substantially different from the original images or files provided by Karen Léger Photography. The Client must not cause to, or allow anyone else to; copy, photocopy, laser copy or computer scan any hardcopy images or prints without prior permission of Karen Léger Photography. This is to ensure Karen Léger Photography’s reputation is not damaged by poor quality copies of any of its images.
  • Karen Léger Photography will be understanding of cultural, family and personal sensitivities. If the Client do not wish their photographs or testimonials (including their image and likeness or those of any models under the age of 18) to be used by Karen Léger Photography for editorial, trade, advertising, industry competitions or for portfolios or reasonable advertising, the Client must inform Karen Léger Photography while signing signing this agreement.
  • Unless the Client specifically states otherwise at the time of this agreement, the Client gives permission to Karen Léger Photography to use any image from their Session for editorial, trade, advertising, industry competitions and for portfolios and reasonable advertising for Karen Léger Photography.
  • Karen Léger Photography will not use any Images from their session for any other purpose without obtaining their permission.


  • The Client releases, discharges and forever holds Karen Léger Photography harmless in respect of any and all Losses arising as a result of the Assignment (Losses). Losses include any and all losses, liabilities, causes of action, claims, demands, actions, suits or proceedings of any nature, whether caused by, arising from or incidental to negligence, breach of contract or otherwise, which you, a model or another party may now have or at any time hereafter may have with respect to the Assignment or from participating in the photographic Session.
  • The Client agrees to indemnify Karen Léger Photography and keep Karen Léger Photography indemnified for all Losses under this agreement.
  • Karen Léger Photography shall carry out this Assignment with due and professional Diligence.
  • In the event of elements beyond Karen Léger Photography’s control, Karen Léger Photography shall not be liable for its complete performance of the Assignment and it is agreed that the liability of Karen Léger Photography shall be limited to a refund of any money paid under this agreement which shall be in full and final satisfaction of any damage or loss suffered.
  • Elements beyond Karen Léger Photography’s control include faulty material, equipment failure, loss of photos in transit between Karen Léger Photography, Karen Léger Photography’s print lab and the Client, loss or damage to digital files on both memory cards, illness, industrial disputes, civil disturbances, or weather conditions which may inhibit or prevent Karen Léger Photography completing in whole or in part this Assignment.


  • The Client has read and understood the terms of this agreement. This agreement contains the entire understanding between Karen Léger Photography and the Client. It supersedes all prior agreements between the parties. The only way to add or change this agreement is to do so in writing, signed by all the parties. If the parties want to waive one provision of this agreement, it does not mean that any other provision is also waived.