Hi! I am Karen Léger – Photographer

What can I say?!  My interest in photography goes back years.

When I was a child, my mom had an interest and I remember being told “Do not ever touch this camera.” Mind you, I was a young kid, that Canon was brand new and those things can be expensive.  It was the allure of the forbidden in a way.

Loving art in various forms, photography was the mystery.  I needed to know how an image made its way onto paper.  So off I went to art school to learn all about the subject!  Lucky for me, it was the best time when photography was on the cusp of film going digital, from the Darkroom to Lightroom.

People intrigue me.  I’m always observing and it’s the decisive moment in a portrait that captivates and brings it to life. A moment in time, it yearns to be documented.

From the beginning,  my dream was to be the Photographer to take the next memorable portrait of a Rockstar, think Jim Morrison or John and Yoko. You never know… there is still time.